What is it and why do you need it???
Logo Design is an important step in creating a brand. When someone mentions a brand – what major brands do you think of? For instance, if you see the “golden arches” – what famous hamburger place do you think of? If you think of Nike your mind automatically envisions the “swoosh”.
These are examples of great corporate branding. The brand is easily recognizable and known.Even if your market is local or small, branding is still an important concept. Good branding gives you an edge on the competition through recognition. They say a picture is worth a thousand words – in this case, a great logo can convey far more than a bulletin board full of writing.
Our logo design starts with at least half a dozen various concept designs from different artists. Drafts are provided and feedback used to help determine successive drafts. Sometimes one of the first draft concepts is immediately recognized as the future logo and many times we go through several draft processes with the client.
Many places offer logo design, however, corporate identity picks up and continues the task of branding past mere design of the logo. Whereas the logo is the building block and the foundation to starting your new branding efforts – it is not the end!
It is important that all of your marketing efforts speak “with one voice” and are consistent across all mediums. Corporate identity continues throughout other possibilities such as:
- Uniforms
- Web Sites
- Flash ad or logo design
- Signage
- Advertisements
- Gifting (coffee mugs, pens, etc.)
And many other avenues…
Corporate Identity
Our coporate identity package includes branding, logo design and collateralls creation, including:
- Letterhead
- Business Cards
- Envelopes
Our process is simple:
- Step 1: Brand research. We learn about your business and your goals as well as your business demographics and targeted customers.
- Step 2: Concept Drafts. We provide drafts of many different logo concepts. Unlike other companies we do not provide a limited number or too many. We carefully choose some of our concepts that we feel are most appropriate and clear to your message.
- Step 3: Client Feedback. We carefully listen to our clients feedback. Positive or negative, all feedback can be constructive. As needed, we will move on to finalization steps or we will reiterate this process and complete additional concept drafts.
- Step 4: Client Acceptance. The logo is accepted, cleaned up and finalized.
- Step 5: Logo Delivery. We will create various formats, sizes, and resolution of your logos and provide them to you on flash drive or a CD or any media you prefer.
You will be provided a CD with copies of all of your collateralls in various formats including: .ai, .gif, .jpg, .psd, as well as several others or any others you request. Various resolutions are also included which are ready for web use or printing.
Below are some factors which help make a logo successful:
- Legibility – free from clutter, photography, images, or complication – it should be simple.
- Uniqueness – it should not infringe on other logos or trademarks or possibly provide confusion with other brands.
- The color combination should convey certain emotional responses aligning with the company and product purposes.
- The logo should still look good in black and white as many print mediums do not have color (faxes, some newspapers, etc).
- The logo should still look good and maintain clarity and effectiveness at various sizes and resolutions.
- The logo should help convey the message or image of the company.
- The logo should be cost-effective.
The logo should be legally protected. Some custom logo examples: